How to report false negatives and false positives?
Threatray monitors a wide range of malware families, continuously enriching our coverage with new detections. Despite our comprehensive coverage, we may still miss families or have instances of inaccurate detections.
If you come across a detection that seems to be a false positive or expected the identification of a specific family by Threatray that isn’t detected, you have the option to notify our threat intelligence team to resolve the matter. They are dedicated to examining these cases thoroughly to rectify any issues and address any other inquiries promptly.
You have two methods to report such cases directly from the user interface:
While viewing the submission, simply click on the ‘Report’ button.
Similarly, on the analysis view, use the same ‘Report’ button to report an issue.
By clicking the button, a compact window will appear, allowing you to provide additional context or details. Any extra information you can provide will expedite the team’s resolution process.
Upon receipt of your report, our threat intelligence team will reach out to you via email at the earliest, aiming to remedy the issue or address any outstanding questions.
Updated 4 months ago